Tapping into Camden Resources when applying to the NSF GRFP.


September 25, 2024    

11:20 am - 12:20 pm


cns 201
530 Federal St, Camden, NJ, 08102

Map Unavailable

Laura Collins (Director, Office of Scholar Development & Fellowship Advising) from Rutgers Camden, will discuss the resources available to undergraduates and graduate students to apply to the NSF GRFP, the flagship research grant that funds your PhD or MS. This event is open to all students, staff, and faculty. Lunch will be served. Learn more about the NSF GRFP HERE.

While the audience for this event will be in person, Ms. Collins will present virtually. If you would like to attend, but can not make it in person, you can join us at the following zoom link: https://rutgers.zoom.us/j/8597996748?pwd=bGRXdUxnKzE4NW1TMXp3VG5aVHgxZz09